Here at Capital Recovery, we recognize the value of having top-notch team members. Our hiring process allows us to attract and hire employees who become some of the best debt collection personnel. Our commitment to ongoing training and continuing education allows our team to remain ahead of the latest technologies and tools in the debt collection market.
To highlight our fantastic team members, we are reprising our Employee Spotlight Features on our blog. First up: Salma Bryant, a Refund Specialist for Healthnet and Commercial Collector. Follow along below to learn more about Salma and her important role here at Capital Recovery.
How long have you worked with Capital Recovery?
In January 2022, it will be four years!
What do you enjoy most about working at Capital Recovery?
I enjoy working with a small team. Everyone is friendly and helpful, and it’s a very relaxed atmosphere.
How do you feel that Capital Recovery is different from other collections agencies?
A smaller team allows for more of a “community” feel in the office.
What values do you see Capital Recovery embrace daily?
I see leadership making sure everyone is comfortable and confident in their role. As an employee, you’re never far from someone ready and able to help you out with an issue or a tricky debtor.
How does your current job with Capital Recovery compare to previous jobs you have had?
I appreciate how approachable upper management is. I have worked in large corporations where managers stay shut inside their offices and appear like employees are imposing if they have questions. I’ve never felt that way at Capital Recovery.
If you had only five words to describe Capital Recovery, what would they be?
People-focused, rewarding, lively, supportive.
How has Capital Recovery helped you achieve your personal and professional goals?
I’ve been allowed to progress in the organization. I started out working in the call center on patient accounts, and after two years, I moved to B2B (business to business) accounts, which I really enjoy!
What motivates you?
It’s very rewarding when I receive a resolution on an account I’ve been working on for weeks or even months.
What do you most enjoy doing outside of work?
I enjoy lifting weights. Since COVID, I have a good setup at home, and I love how powerful it makes me feel. I also love taking care of our menagerie of animals—we have five cats and a dog!